Words Starting with Upper Case

 Coding Problem Keys 

 Words Starting with Upper Case 

 Problem Statement 

The program must accept a string S containing multiple words as the input. The program must print the words starting with an upper case alphabet in S as the output. If there is no such word, the program must print -1 as the output.

 Input Format 

The first line contains N.
The second line contains N integers separated by a space.

 Output Format 

The first line contains the integer value(s) based on the given conditions.

 Boundary Condition(s) 

3 <= Length of S < 100

 Example Input/Output 1 


How are you? I am FINE




The words starting with an upper case alphabets are How, I and FINE.
Hence the output is How I FINE.

 Example Input/Output 2 


Cricket Match 1: India vs Pakistan


Cricket Match India Pakistan

 Example Input/Output 3 


hi dora, is this your map?



 Max Execution Time Limit: 500 millisecs 


 Programming Language: Python 3 Language 

for i in l:
        print(i,end=" ")
if(f==0): print("-1")

# Published By PKJCODERS

 (Note: Incase If the code doesn't Pass the output kindly comment us with your feedback to help us improvise.) 


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