Occurrences of Sub in Parent

 Coding Problem Keys 

 Occurrences of Sub in Parent 

 Problem Statement 

You are given two strings containing only English letters. Write an algorithm to count the number of occurrences of the second string in the first string. (You may disregard the case of the letters).


The first line of the input consists of a string parent, representing the first string.
The second line consists of a string sub, representing the second string.


Print an integer representing the number of occurrences of Sub in Parent. If no occurrence of Sub is found in Parent then print 0.

 Example 1 






Tim occurs 3 times in the first string,
So, the output is 3.

 Example 2 






Tim occurs 1 times in the first string,
So, the output is 1.


 Programming Language: Python 3 Language 


def countOccur(parent,sub):
    # Write your code here
    parent = parent.lower()
    sub = sub.lower()
    numOfOccurrences = 0
    parentLen = len(parent)
    subLen = len(sub)
    for i in range(parentLen):
        if parent[i:i+subLen] == sub:
            numOfOccurrences +=1
    return numOfOccurrences

def main():
    # input for parent
    parent = str(input())
    # input for sub
    sub = str(input())

    result = countOccur(parent,sub)

if __name__ == "__main__":

# Published By PKJCODERS

 (Note: Incase If the code doesn't Pass the output kindly comment us with your feedback to help us improvise.) 


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